
Xcom 2 stop wasting my time
Xcom 2 stop wasting my time

xcom 2 stop wasting my time

This makes it so that the new, slicker, horizontal skill screen is what you see wherever you go, and if you want to buy bonus powers with AP you no longer have to perform the base view dance first to do so. Visually, this is only really apparent in the little flags that appear in Armory and soldier bio screens, but it really amps up both the planet-wide feel and the variety of your resistance effort. A Russian soldier will, by and large, have a more Russian-sounding name now, for instance. This mod adds dozens more nations into the database, as well as many more names to pull from when the game auto-generates new recruits. XCOM 2: Long War 2 - Review - The Alien-killing simulator that NEVER ENDS The cherry on top is that seeing your whole squad boost into the skies in tandem makes for a far more dramatic finish to a mission than doing it one by one.

xcom 2 stop wasting my time

All that button does is immediately and simultaneously trigger evacuation er, to a chopper, not of bowels for any of your units who are currently stood in a mission Evac zone. Early hours with an XCOM game tend to entail using your soldiers one by one each turn - move and shoot, next, move and shoot, and so forth. However, they do require a separate version of each mod, so check the title and description before you install it.

Xcom 2 stop wasting my time